Getting Hooked On Sports

Some people who play sports can get hooked on any kind of sport. In some cases, the athletes can have serious problems from their intense activities, like with their healthy, bodies, weight, and food. Some reasons are family pressure or pressure they put on themselves. They want to be the best or their dream is to become an athlete. This requires a lot of practicing. The pressure can cause terrible damage like eating disorders, and in some cases death by not taking care of yourself.

–Level 4B Student

GLES Goes Global

I am officially recruiting for a student to come and work with us next year! We’ll be able to teach more classes and do more with the program!

For more information and a full job description, you can check out my website or email me at

Student Contributions

The official blog writer this month is Melissa Contreras Ruiz! She’ll be contributing a post this month!

Learning tip of the day: Try practicing new language that you hear, from a native speaker, TV, or music. It can be new grammar or vocab. Use it in different contexts until you get it right! Don’t be afraid to make mistakes,